Bizarrrrre happening of the week:
Shimarah and I were perusing the shelves of bread at the small grocery store down the block from our residence when three teenage girls approached us with a long detailed question in France. I managed to get in a "Je parle un petit peu francais." One of the girls turned to the other two and said, "Oh, anglais." They started to walk off, but stopped and started to ask us the original question, this time in english..."We have these two beers and this bottle of wine, would you buy them for us?" Oh good God. As far as I've seen, no one, I mean NO ONE, gets carded here. Why on earth would they choose the foreigners to commit the crime? I gave them a sympathetic look and said, "Sorry, no. I would NOT like to get into any kind of trouble with the law, especially with a foreign law." They pleaded with us for a while then walked off with a rolling of the eyes. Pshh. Then we heard a smash, shatter, and gasp. They dropped the bottle of wine by the deli meats and decided to make a swift exit. Karma?
Yummy looking, but not so yummy sandwich of the week:
I tried a new boulangerie down the street from the University on Monday. The owner was laying out a whole line of freshly made vegetarian sandwiches when Shimarah and I walked in. I chose one with gruyere cheese, sliced apples, raisins, and lettuce. I've had gruyere cheese before, but not like this. I bit into what tasted like a whole slab of butter sandwiched in between two slices of bread. The gruyere cheese was a bit too much for me, but the apples and raisins were nice. That's the first, and hopefully the last, "meh" sandwich I've had here.
Vegetarian-Faux-Pas of the week Part deux:
I returned to the above-mentioned bakery this morning to get lunch. The quiches were neatly lined on the shelves, the cheesy yellow and delicious tops beckoning me to them. I chose quiche Lorraine thinking that I was safe because the title did not include "jambon" ou "poulet." WRONG. It has bacon, onions, and cheese. I tried as best I could to savage what little of the quiche didn't have ham. What I had was good. Next time I'll just man up and ask, "sans viande?" Luckily, I also bought a baguette looking bread with chocolate chips while purchasing the wrong quiche. Voila, Lunch!